Category Archives: Tech

LS Minimus


LS Minimus

Tall thin-type theme with time, date, conditions and current temp (in F or C) and high/low for the day.
Winterboard, Lockscreen Clock Hide, Wallpaper JPEGifier

Modify lines 2-5, and line #11 of `settings.js` to suit your needs.

2. var locale = 41075; // US zip code or other Yahoo Weather API location
3. var twelve_hour_time = true;
4. var show_seconds = false;
5. var celcius = false;

Highly recommended to set line #11 to true for smaller response size.

11. var useSmallData = true; // (recommended) 3.5x times smaller response size.

Theme by: PROJECT107 / @chris_dickow
Created: 01/20/2014
Released: 04/26/2014
Tested on iOS 6.1.3 / iPhone 4
Bugs? Comments?
Post here or @chris_dickow

Thanks to my boy, Simon, for the name 🙂

Download outside of Cydia (v1.1) here:

Reclaiming iMessage Storage in iOS 7 on iPhone 4

After upgrading to iOS 7, I saw what appeared to be the answer to the question: “What the hell is ‘Other’ storage and how can I get it back?!” In the Settings > General > Usage screen, iOS 7 reported that iMessage storage was consuming 1GB of space on my already small iPhone 4 (8GB). Thing is, I had just cleared every conversation in the messaging app, so the OS was clearly holding onto something it shouldn’t.

After loads of searching, I stumbled upon a thread on MacRumors that described my scenario exactly, and consequently, gave specific directions to remedy it.

Apparently there was a bug between 6.0 an 6.1 that caused attachments to not get deleted when conversations were. It hit me too, I had 900MB left over down from 3GB after clearing all my convo history. If you want to clear all this out without losing any other data, back up your phone to iTunes and use something like iBackupBot or similar to delete everything in HomeDomain/Library/SMS and MediaDomain/Library/SMS in your backup and then erase and restore your phone with this edited backup (make sure you make a copy of the backup before you do this in case something fails with the backup editor).”

User Stratus Fear should be credited for this one, as they provided the solution to the issue on June 25th, several months before the public release of iOS 7.

The procedure:

1. Make a backup of your iPhone via iTunes 2. Snag a trial copy of iBackupBot
3. Open iBackupBot and create a duplicate of the most recent backup (this is only a CYA measure)
4. Navigate to the System Files > MediaDomain > Library > SMS > Attachments directory and delete all contents
5. Navigate to the System Files > HomeDomain > Library > SMS > Attachments directory and remove all contents from here, as well
6. Connect your iPhone to computer and restore your phone from Backup
7. Make a new backup that’s now free of garbage
8. Done!

This process took no more than 20 minutes from initial backup to restore and successfully reclaimed over 1GB (nearly 16% of its capacity!) of space on my iPhone 4. My oldest files in the Attachments directory were from September 2012, which might be an indication of when the bug arrived. In any case, this is no longer an issue. Screenshots below are for reference. 

Thanks, Stratus Fear!




S24A350H Service Manual

I have a Samsung S24A350H display that took a shit. It powers on, and the ‘Check video signal’ bounces around the screen, but I get no love from either the VGA or HDMI input. I have a buddy who can run some diagnostics on it for me, but needed a schematic. A live chat with Samsung support indicates that they won’t provide a schematic of the board, and that in order to see it, I had to buy a S24A350H service manual. This is not only ridiculous, but shows a clear disconnect between company and consumer. 

24A350H service manual, where art thou?

So, using my strong Google-Fu, located they very manual in question. It contains troubleshooting guidelines, specs on the unit, and da da da daaaaa – schematics. Everything you need to fix this thing is in here. If not, you’ll likely need to buy a new board/display.

Maybe you need it, too. Here it is – Samsung S24A350H service manualS24A350H Service Manual

S24A350H service manual


GA Link Tracker for WordPress

I’ve had a few instances in the past where client installs of WordPress should have had internal and outbound links tracked by Google Analytics via some type of link tracker, but either:

  1. The site admin was a designer and didn’t give a shit about metrics, or
  2. The site admin didn’t know how to add tracking code to important links.

So, I created a tiny WP plugin to track events of link clicks in the main content area of the site. Install it and forget about it. Links will show up under Events in the Analytics site, and will have a category of Links, a label of PageID: CURRENT_PAGE_URI, and the value of the href of the link being tracked. Yes, there are more robust solutions – yes, there are other plugins that track more data points. This one suits my needs perfectly with no messing about with bloat. A simple link tracker with a fire-and-forget install.

Links will look like this:
onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Links', 'PageID: /my_blog/2013/04/my_post/ ', '']);"

The above example assumes the href of the link is:

Install instructions:

  1. Upload GA-Link-Tracker.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. All done!

Plugin page on WordPress:
Plugin .zip: